Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Functions of Rose Quartz| Love| Healing| Connection
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
The Function of Amethyst| Inner Peace| Spiritual Awareness| Balance
Meanings of Citrine| Health| Fortune| Cleaning
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Function of the Tiger Eye| Willpower| Grounding| Courage
the Function of Green Aventurine| Luck| Prosperity| Wealth
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Functions of Clear Crystal| Clarity| Manifestation| Illumination
the Benefits of Fluorite| Positive| Energetic| Cleaning
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Functions of Rose Quartz| Love| Healing| Connection
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
The Function of Amethyst| Inner Peace| Spiritual Awareness| Balance
Meanings of Citrine| Health| Fortune| Cleaning
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Function of the Tiger Eye| Willpower| Grounding| Courage
the Function of Green Aventurine| Luck| Prosperity| Wealth
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
the Functions of Clear Crystal| Clarity| Manifestation| Illumination
the Benefits of Fluorite| Positive| Energetic| Cleaning
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch

Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch

Handwoven Raw Crystal ornament blends natural crystals with traditional craftsmanship, creating a piece that serves both as a decor item and a conduit for grounding energy. This ornament is designed for those who value natural aesthetics and the subtle spiritual benefits of raw crystals.
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Handwoven Raw Crystal pouch features carefully selected crystals encased in artisan-crafted weaving. This ornament is not just visually striking; it's a potent source of grounding energy. Each crystal is chosen for its unique properties, including promoting calm and enhancing environmental harmony. It's an ideal choice for anyone looking to incorporate the grounding influence of natural elements into their living or working space.


💗Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is connected with the feminine divine, meaning that it carries the aura of compassion and peace and the warmth of mothering – all with the superior strength of spirit. If you feel you need to learn how to self soothe, to be healed by your own hands, and to uplift your own potential into the goddess sphere, then Rose Quartz is a path that will take you there.

💚Green Aventurine

Aventurine is a heart chakra stone, its always ready to rouse those feelings of far-flung love and fantasy but in a way that feels strong and healthy, ever ready to raise you up. It’s a comforter, a harmonizer, and a super handy stone to have stashed on the self for all those who want to bring a little more luck into their world. Whether you need a little flush of added wealth, an extra abundance of love and friendship, or just a bit more growth, Aventurine wants one thing – for you to succeed in all your amazing endeavours, no matter how big or small they may be.


Some believe that the stone’s calming properties produce soothing dreams by making us more in tune with the divine. The stone also brings clarity and peacefulness to the waking mind, as they help the mind flow freely in both the mental and metaphysical dimensions.It is said to dispel rage, help manage fears and anger, and calm rage and anxiety.Other believed benefits of amethyst include the ability to alleviate sadness and grief and dissolving negativity. The colour of this gem is also connected to activating spiritual awareness, welcoming intuitive energies and enhancing one’s psychic abilities.


  • Support Renewing Your Vitality: Crystals can help to clear away “energetic debris” and negative energy, and also balance your subtle energies, and positively affect your physical health and mental well-being in pretty phenomenal ways. 
  • Balance Chakra: Healing crystal enhances your physical, emotional and mental health by affecting your chakras. Some “high vibrational” crystals also can open your awareness to higher levels of consciousness
  • Gorgeous Accessories: Every crystal and gemstone is a unique, beautiful and magical work of art by Nature. No matter what outfit you’re wearing, there is a crystal that will add the perfect finishing touch, and they never go out of style.
  • It’s meaningful: Jewelry made of different crystal materials can bring you different curative effects and surprises. If you are attracted to the color of a crystal, you are in desperate need of the healing and purification of this crystal.


  • Name: Olivenorma Handwoven Raw Crystal Ornament Crystal Pouch
  • Category: Crystal Pouch/Ornament
  • Origin: India
  • Genuine gemstones: Rose Quartz,Green Fluorite,Green Aventurine,Amethyst,Clear Crystal,Red Jasper,Citrine,Lapis Lazuli,Obsidian,Tiger Eye,Fluorite
  • Crystal Size: 2-3cm
  • Weight: Approx 70g 


  • Don't crash hard objects or fall off & Keep it away from chemicals,cosmetics,wine,acid and alkali.
  • Clean gemstone jewelry and wipe it with a soft cloth to remove any dirt. Then, store your gemstone jewelry in a soft cloth pouch or jewelry case so it does not touch other pieces in your collection.
  • Keep it from high temperature and direct sunlight, which may cause damage to gemstones.
  • Remove any gemstone jewelry before engaging in any strenuous physical activity, such as exercise or sports.




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