By balancing emotions and the mind, peridot, also known as the stone of compassion, is thought to promote excellent health, peaceful sleep and harmony in interpersonal relationships.
In addition to inspiring harmony, this amiable brilliant green stone also gives joy and good spirits as well as inspiring eloquence and creativity.
Obsidian promotes the truth. It forms a shield against negativity and is a stone known for its protectiveness. Obsidian also removes tension and stress from the mind.
Obsidian is often associated with mystery and has a very strong ability to cleanse and ground. For this reason it is used often in feng shui, spiritual connection and protection. It is also known as a spiritual cleanser because of its ability to absorb psychic smog and help to see things more clearly.
This gorgeous Tree of Life pendant features Peridot crystal chips for the leaves. The Tree of Life serves as a reminder that everyone is connected to one another and that no one is ever truly alone.
In addition to easing jealousy, stress, wrath and guilt, peridot is believed to open the user's heart to joy and laughter. Healing stones made of peridot have the ability to ward off evil and drive away the forces of darkness. This Tree of Life pyramid will bring the owner good health and luck because it contains peridot and black obsidian.
Orgonite devices are based on the findings of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist who studied orgone energy in the first part of the 20th century. During the curing process, the resin in orgonite contracts, permanently compressing the crystal inside. This causes the crystal's end-points to become electrically polarized, which is thought to make it more efficient as a positive energy generator.
In a nutshell, orgonite draws energy into its matrix, which is formed of resin, crystal and metals, as well as other organic and inorganic components. Each orgonite pyramid contains crystals. The crystal restores the energy to its original, healthy, balanced state.
Crystals are able to organize energy and control energy flow naturally. When crystals are added to orgonite, the energy flow is directed and the orgonite's capacity to transform DOR (deadly ORgone) into POR ( positive ORgone ) is improved.
Orgonite's effects can vary from person to person. When wearing or touching orgonite, some people immediately feel the energy (typically as a tingling or warm sensation), but for others, the effects take time to manifest.
Using orgonite will offer you the following advantages:
Increase your energy and get a good night's sleep; reduce your stress levels; help you meditate; foster spiritual development; energize your food, water, herbs, and supplements; encourage the growth of vegetables and flowers in your garden; make your home and workplace more peaceful; shield you from harmful energies and more and eliminate emotional and energetic obstacles.