Purple Chakra: Crown Chakra Color Meaning & Its Benefits
Dec 16, 2021
Violet or purple chakra is the seventh chakra. It is also known as the crown chakra.

It represents dignity, strength, and spirituality. Purple comes as a combination of blue and red colors, and the color can enable people to align themselves with the universe.
If this chakra is open, you can be aware of yourself and the world. However, when it is blocked, your thought process will be complex. The closed chakra can make you depressed, confused, and alienated. Also, an inactive crown chakra will make you incapable of developing healthy relationships. As a result, you will feel isolated and cannot connect with others.
Apart from that, one can have negativity from an overactive crown chakra. All your focus will be on spiritualism, and you will end up ignoring the needs of your body. The spiritual effects will be more with life force energy. When it comes to physical effects, the impact will be on your pineal gland, brain stem, and spinal cord.
Too much violet means overactive violet. It can develop a positive spiritual feeling. But the downside is that you will lack patience. Also, you will have arrogance and irritability. You cannot focus on bodily needs as well.
Less violet will make you a negative person. You will feel negative and powerless. You can have difficulties focusing and decide on anything. You will lack energy, and there will be no interest and energy to achieve anything. As a result, your life will be meaningless for you.
Both too much or less violet can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. Therefore, you will have to focus on the correct balance to get the benefits of the seventh chakra.
You can add violet gemstones or crystals to your day-to-day life in different ways. They will balance the crown chakra and minimize the negative impacts and maximize the benefits. Make sure that the gemstones or crystals are close to your skin for several hours. Otherwise, you cannot get the desired result.
Many people keep gemstones in their pockets. However, you cannot get more benefits if the crystals will not touch your skin directly.
Purple chakra or crown chakra is also known as Sahasrara. The meaning of the Sahasrara is thousand-petalled. It is the final chakra that aligns with your spinal cord.
However, this chakra will not be found in your body, unlike other chakras. It is located two inches top of your head, the place where you can wear a crown. Also, it is called the bridge to the cosmos. It has more spiritual properties compared to other chakras.
Also, it is the converging point and ultimate destination that gets energies from different chakras such as root chakra.
As stated earlier, the purple chakra is not located in your body. As the name crown justifies, it is above your head.
The energy of this chakra goes outward and upward and develops a spiritual connection between you and your purpose, soil, divine, and the universe.
The crown chakra is linked with your pineal gland, brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system. The chakra enables you to develop a spiritual connection, wholesomeness, and a sense of worth. It will develop a connection between you and your world.
You can connect with the universe and the divine. Also, it will help you to achieve the highest state of consciousness. When it comes to Sahasrara, it is connected with purple and white. Both these colors can create spirituality and superiority.
As discussed earlier, overactive and inactive chakras can cause adverse effects. Your energy level will be compromised. You will develop negativity and cannot focus on anything. You can expect both these conditions when the chakra is inactive. However, when the chakra is overactive, you will have more energy.
Purple chakra is directly related to your physical and mental well-being. It helps to maintain emotional balance and create a feeling of completion. It will help with improved mental strength as well. However, an overactive chakra might cause mental and spiritual problems.
If the purple chakra is overactive, you can have irritability, anxiety, impatience, psychosis, headache, arrogance, fragmentation, dominance, undergrounded feeling, and overwhelmed feeling.
If you have any of these problems, you should wear purple gemstones and crystals to improve your condition. You will have to choose proper stones to minimize the impact of an overactive purple chakra.
We can say the same about an underactive purple chakra. A blocked or underactive chakra can cause a lot of problems in your life. Also, it will have a massive impact on your spiritual growth. A blocked purple chakra will block your connection with yourself, your surroundings, and your world. There will be mental, emotional, and physical manifestations.
Also, a closed purple chakra can cause reduced mental strength and focus. You will be emotionally disturbed. Mental suffering is the primary impact of a blocked crown chakra. You might be thinking about how you will know your crown chakra is blocked. You can look for a few things.
An inactive violet chakra can make you feel powerless, negative, and incapable of making decisions. In addition to these, you can experience anemia, brain tumor, learning disabilities, headache, inability to connect with others, autism, or coma.
There are many positive aspects of the purple chakra. It is worth mentioning that purple is the top chakra that starts from the root chakra and takes us towards the Sahasrara, and enables us to connect with the divine and universe.
In brief, it will make you more communicative and a better person. You can develop a strong bond with your world and people.
The purple chakra is above your head. It will make you feel like you have a crown. That means you will be positive physically and mentally. You will develop self-realization, and you can connect with everything to the optimal level. Your mind will be clear and centered. There will be no scope for confusion and doubt.
The chakra will help you with an abundance of energy. It will enable you to witness mystical oneness with everything and everyone present in nature. You might not expect any intellectual achievements with this chakra. However, there will be a sense of deep peace, joy, and serenity in your life. You will love your life and live it to the fullest.
In addition to these, it will help you understand the deeper meaning of life. Also, you will feel your existence and try to connect with everyone. The crown chakra will build confidence and can help with positive energy. It will enable you to achieve beyond your limit. Also, it will help you to transcend your ego and know all the creations and develop a connection with all of them.
The purple chakra will not cause any negative impact if it is balanced. However, if it is closed or overactive, you might experience many issues. It will affect your physical and mental health. Your communication with the world will be compromised. You will feel isolated, ignorant, and depressed. The impact will vary based on the chakra. For example, if it is overactive, you will develop dominance and irritability. When it is inactive, you will feel depressed and frustrated.
You can burn essential oils and Sahaswara incense sticks to open your blocked purple chakra. By burning these, you will be able to awaken the chakra. The aromatherapy will develop your connection with the world and the divine energy. You can burn some enlightening aromas such as camphor, myrrh, and frankincense to open your seventh chakra and connect with it.
In addition to this, you can repeat some affirmations to open your mind and embrace positivity in your life. You will have to repeat the affirmations every day to get the benefits. Find a suitable time to repeat those affirmations. You will have to repeat loudly and feel it while doing so. Some positive affirmations you can use to open your blocked crown chakra are the following.
* I feel connected with the divine.
* I am a part of the universe.
* I get guidance from my higher self.
Apart from these affirmations, you can practice some yoga postures to open your purple chakra. You can do some asanas that include savasana, half-lotus, tree pose, and savasana to release the stress, and that will help you open the seventh chakra. Mindful breathing can be effective as well.
Meditations can relax your brain and body and help you to open your crown chakra. Sit in an upright position, keep your legs crossed, and close your eyes. Breathe naturally and focus while inhaling and exhaling. While doing so, you will have to observe your thought process. After a while, you can connect yourself with your deepest self.
Crown chakra offers a sense of completion, enlightenment, self-realization, pure bliss, and wholesomeness. Apart from that, it will help to bridge the gap between your life and divine and earth. You can balance and open your purple chakra and get all the benefits mentioned above.